korean military

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ké cast S2 E3: Is There Room For Conscientious Objectors in Korea?

Is there room for freedom of conscience in the South Korean military? Amnesty International says that there are more than 230 conscientious objectors currently incarcerated in the country. But a Constitutional Court ruling this summer, a ruling that states that the government must provide alternative civilian roles for those who

Ho Kyeong Jang
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How South Korea Got Rid of Its Gun Problem

In the aftermath of yet another mass shooting in the United States, international and domestic media have published articles touting South Korea as a model of gun regulation. But contrary to popular belief, freedom from gun violence is a relatively new development in the country. It’s true that South

Yvonne Kim
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Yoo Ah Exempt: Another Celebrity Avoids Military Service

With both his name and “osteosarcoma” trending on giant portal site Naver, actor Yoo Ah-in found himself the center of Internet attention on June 26, joining the ranks of South Korean men exempt from mandatory military service. On May 22, Yoo received the last of five health examinations that began