nuclear weapons

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Could Korean War II Drag in the World's Superpowers?

This article is meant to offer an answer to the following question posted on Quora: “Who would win in this war: the USA, the U.K, Japan, and South Korea vs Russia, China, and North Korea?” Without hyperbole, this has the potential to become a war to end

Haeryun Kang
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Young S. Korean Speaks: War with N. Korea "Extremely Unlikely"

How likely is war with North Korea? Speculation abounds. Here’s a South Korean who argues that war is “highly very extremely unlikely.” He says that all the players involved — South Korea, China, North Korea, and the U.S. — simply have too much to lose

Bryan Betts
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The Few, The Quirky: S. Korea's War Preppers

Seated at a downtown coffee shop dressed in business casual, Woo Seung-yep looked more like an office worker than a war prepper as he calmly explained how he became the best-known South Korean engaged in guerrilla efforts to prepare for the possibility of war on the Korean peninsula, which has

Haeryun Kang
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Young S. Korean Speaks: "What the Fuck is North Korea's Problem?"

On the eve of the 69th anniversary of North Korea, outsiders are watching for any sign of threats from Pyongyang.   Many are asking what young South Koreans think about these threats. We bring to you the passionate voice of a young South Korean: Guk Beom-geun is the founder of

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Haeryun Kang: On N. Korea in the Guardian

“In South Korea we’re scared but we’ve normalised the fear,” published on the Guardian on Aug. 9, 2017. Are S. Koreans indifferent to N. Korean provocations? When North Korea news gets hot, like now, thanks to its recent missile test and Guam, many outlets