

Seohoi Stephanie Park
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Revisiting: My Political Coming of Age

Almost every Saturday for the last twenty weeks or so, my friends and I took a stroll down to Gwanghwamun Plaza in downtown Seoul to join the protesters. We were young, awkward, and clueless. It didn’t take us long to realize that it was the first time, too, for

Haeryun Kang
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Sim Sang-jung: A Superwoman Without Superpower

She calls herself the maid to Park Geun-hye’s princess. She’s the fringe to Park Geun-hye’s mainstream status. Park grew up in a castle: the president’s official residence that her father occupied for 18 years until his assassination in 1979, to which she returned many years later

Jieun Choi
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The Uni Student that Goes to Court Four Times a Month

When I connected with Kim Sam on the phone, she sounded just like one of my friends answering a call from a stranger: polite but cautious, a little unsure. Kim’s nonchalant personality in our conversation and online videos belies the doggedness of her activism, which has led to her

Katelyn Hemmeke
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Beyond Infantilizing Portraits: South Korean Adoptees Speak Out

Perhaps the world’s best-known Korean adoptee today is Adam Crapser. After living in the U.S. for almost four decades, Crapser was deported to South Korea late last year because his adoptive parents had never filed for his American citizenship.  The twists and turns of

John R. Eperjesi
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Marching for Inter-Korean Peace: Why Women Cross DMZ May 24, 2015 is International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament. On this day, Korean women will walk for peace across the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), the 4 km wide buffer that divides North and South Korea. They will be joined by international peace