Reading List: Our 2017 Election Coverage

Reading List: Our 2017 Election Coverage


2017 is an interesting year for South Korean politics. A president has been ousted from office for the first time under the democratic constitution. The ruling conservative party is in shambles, splintered into three parties. The leading presidential candidates are mostly those that identify with the left, which means the country could have its first liberal administration in ten years. The 60-day race to the presidency, which for many began even before Park Geun-hye was thrown out on Mar. 10, will end with the election on May 9. 

Korea Exposé has been following the race closely, hoping to illuminate different aspects of South Korean society through the emerging stories. Here is a comprehensive list of our election coverage; some are quick reads, some are meant for a big glass of wine to sip while reading in the bathtub (or however you like to read longer articles). Enjoy, and stay tuned for more updates.

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