

ZoominKorea is an online resource for information on and critical analysis of Korean issues. It is a project of the Solidarity Committee for Democracy and Peace in Korea.

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The "Mad Bitches" of S. Korea's Irregular Workforce Fight Back

For sixteen years, Pak Geum-ja was a cafeteria worker at a public school in Suncheon, South Korea. She worked next to appliances that made so much noise that she began to lose her sense of hearing. Her job wore her down so much that her mouth was constantly full of

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THAAD Will Not Protect South Korea

Elderly women held up signs reading “Illegal THAAD, back to the U.S!” as they marched, leaning on walking frames for support.  Soseong-ri, their small village in South Korea, has become the center of a fight that could lay the groundwork for U.