
Ben Jackson
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Sorry for What? Lee Myung-bak Plays the Victim Card, Again

Mar. 14 brought the promise of mild catharsis for many South Koreans, as former president Lee Myung-bak finally turned up at Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office to face questioning about corruption allegations. Lee, who led South Korea from 2008 to 2013, was the subject of widespread corruption rumors even

Ben Jackson
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Can Moon Jae-in Finally Clean up South Korea’s Prosecution?

South Korea is sometimes described as a “Republic of Prosecutors.” The unusual term reflects the abnormal amount of power wielded by the country’s Prosecution Service, which monopolizes the authority both to control investigations and to prosecute. Over the years, frustration has been mounting over the disproportionate power the

Daniel Corks
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Weekly Brief: Oct. 24th - 30th

Choi Soon-sil scandal grows A smoldering political scandal surrounding Park Geun-hye turned into wildfire this week and is quickly engulfing Park’s presidency. Her approval ratings are in free-fall, her own party has turned on her, newspapers across the political spectrum are calling for her and her entire cabinet to