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South Korea's Health Obsession
South Korea has somewhat improbably become known for longevity. One reason for it may be the country's recent obsession with health.
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South Korea’s Health Obsession shows how Koreans take many pills and supplements to maintain health. Se-Woong Koo is a man with Korean parents, who obsess over their wellbeing. He notes how his parents stock many different supplements and eats them regularly. He also notes how the price of supplements in Korea is much higher than that in other countries. He believes that the Korean obsession over these supplements is what leads Koreans to live longer.
I think that this article is interesting because the author attributes the long life of Koreans to these supplements and the obsession over personal health. He states that “women born in 2030 would live to be 90, and men past 84. That's longer than any other national group.” Although there can be many factors to this, he says that Korea's lifestyle is the reason why they live so long and healthy. Although I do agree that this lifestyle is healthier, lots of things that Koreans enjoy eating are not healthy, which makes me question how much diet will affect longevity. For example, although a person takes supplements, would it really increase their lifetime if he or she mainly eats fried chicken.
-Caleb C. (CA.USA)