무료 회원 공개 전체 공개
로그인한 회원만 댓글을 쓸 수 있습니다.
Joseph Yi

This article was surprising to me. I always knew that Koreans could be hot tempered, and that goes for every race. But I didn’t expect them to go this far with their anger. No matter how angry a person could be, I never expected murder.
The most surprising part is that the murders were because of petty things, like loud noise. It’s terrible how these kinds of murders happened multiple times, though. It’s terrible that people could even be like this because of their emotions.
I know that nothing can be done to help everyone to fix their attitude and control their anger. After all, some people’s personalities are just more aggressive than others, and it’s difficult to change your personality.
But I still hope that someday everyone in Korea as well as anywhere else will be able to control their anger, and to learn to remember the good things instead of the bad. I especially hope that no more murders will occur because of anger and rash thinking.

(Nicole Kim
6th Grade