유료 구독자 전용
무료 회원 공개
전체 공개
What Facts About South Korea Surprise Foreigners?
Check out this seafood paella and steak pizza from South Korean restaurant franchise Mr. Pizza [http://www.mrpizza.co.kr/menu/premium]. It’s topped with shrimp, squid, scallop, steak, calamari, camembert, gouda, mozzarella, melon mango cheese (whatever that is), cream sauce, ranch sauce, and a handful of vegetables. [http://www.koreaexpose.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/스크린샷-2018-01-02-오후-4.52.16.jpg] Seafood paella and steak pizza from Mr.Pizza. (Source: Mr.Pizza website)Sound appetizi
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