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무료 회원 공개
전체 공개
Ediya Coffee: South Korea's Answer to Starbucks?
For a country that cannot grow coffee beans, South Korea is certainly infatuated with coffee. According to the Korea Customs Service [http://www.customs.go.kr/kcshome/cop/bbs/selectBoard.do?bbsId=BBSMSTR_1018&nttId=3899&layoutMenuNo=294&siteId=main&searchCtgry=&searchCnd=cont&searchWrd=%EC%BB%A4%ED%94%BC+%EC%88%98%EC%9E%85¤tPageNo=1&recordCountPerPage=10] , South Korea imported more than 159 thousand metric tons of coffee beans in 2016, and 40 thousand tons for the first quarter of 2017 al
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